When working with donors to identify prospective donors who may wish to support your charity, an important part of relationship building is what I call "transfer of trust."
Kivi Leroux Miller talks about it in her book The Nonprofit Marketing Guide.
"Few people wake up and decide out of the blue...
Storytelling is an important tool for fundraisers: 2 more tools to supercharge your efforts: storyweaving and storylistening.
Research tells us:
Using stories signals the brain to pay attention and to store the meaning deeply in the cerebellum.
Simone Joyaux died the morning of May 2, 2021. I want to tell you about this amazing woman a fundraising giant.
Simone was a supernova. She had the energy of 100 regular fundraisers.
Simone was blindingly bright as in: so smart, very academic in her thinking (hey, she was raised...
You need the "person" in personalization to connect with donors...
Back in 2013, I started a new position covering a maternity leave. Almost immediately, I implemented hand-signing all thank you letters. At the time, none had a live signature, not even the memorial donation letters, gasp!