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Navigating Year-End Fundraising: My Personal Formula for Success

Oct 15, 2023

How much will we get in before Dec 31?.

I worked for an arts organization where our goal was to finish the year at least $1 in the black. It was imperative to know what we might be getting in as closely as possible. There is a formulae that I've used - and you can, too - to better figure out how your December may end up. Here is what I've used.

Get your list together - here, I am using donors who gave in 2022 and 2021.

Put in the "expected" gift (from your donor plan), then consider the relationship the donor has with the organization, and the contacts you've had of late. Set your best estimate of the gift coming: 75%, 50%, 25%. If you know the gift is coming 100% - get a pledge. If you know it isn't... bless and release.

Once you have the estimates, plug them in and then set up as formulae, e.g., 75% of $5,000 is $3,750. This will give you a more exacting estimate of what your year-end

Now... does this mean you "give up" connecting with donors? NO! 

Get in touch - phone, email, short vid, note card - and remind them of the incredible work/ impact/ outcomes. Let donors know the important opportunities for greater success - with their support. Make that "donor-shaped hole" so they can walk through and make a difference.

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