


Crying a little over thank you letters donors fundraising gratitude relationships Mar 17, 2021

You need the "person" in personalization to connect with donors...

Back in 2013, I started a new position covering a maternity leave. Almost immediately, I implemented hand-signing all thank you letters. At the time, none had a live signature, not even the memorial donation letters, gasp!

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Appreciation is NOT a Process donors fundraisers gratitude Jan 26, 2021

Appreciation is about creating connection...

Not long ago, in before times, I was having lunch with two fundraisers.

We face similar challenges and opportunities - each of us wanted to increase our capacity around major gifts and planned to better engage our donors.

"So, what about thank you...

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Are You a Treat? donors fundraisers gratitude success teamwork Oct 27, 2020

People who know me well, know Halloween is my favourite holiday!

Here are my four insights to how fundraisers can be more like a treat than trick to donors.

Treat donors like partners for impact

As a fundraiser, you should to treat all donors as special. Whether...

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Connection-based strategies so you'll raise more and donors can create big impact

I'm a catalyst for giving - you can be, too! Subscribe to The Connection actionable advice, insightful strategies and everything you need to connect with donors and raise more for community impact. 
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